Friday, May 30, 2014


Skype is the most popular free voice-over IP and instant messaging service globally. It allows users to text, video and voice call over the internet. Users can also call landlines and mobiles at competitive rates using Skype credit, premium accounts and subscriptions. Skype was publically released in 2003 and now accounts for roughly a third of all international calling minutes. Skype uses P2P technology to connect users on a multitude of platforms including desktop, mobile and tablet. The call quality (depending on your internet signal) and additional features like conversation history, conference calling and secure file transfer are excellent. There have been some criticisms over the programs bandwidth usage and security vulnerabilities.
Skype Calling
Once you’ve downloaded and installed Skype, you will need to create a user profile and unique Skype name. You can then search for other users in the Skype directory or call them directly using their Skype name. Voice chat comes with conference calling, secure file transfer and a highly secure end to end encryption. Video chat is available on higher bandwidth connections and makes keeping up with distant family/friends much more interactive. Video conferencing and the Screenshare features make Skype popular with the corporate market. Skype’s text chat client features group chat, chat history, message editing and emoticons. Skype also enables calls to landlines and mobiles using a premium paid service.
Easy to Use
Skype’s UI is very intuitive and easy to use. All the classic messaging service features like profiles, online status, contacts and recent history are displayed in the left navigation. Here you will also find the Skype directory, group options, a search box and premium calling buttons. The right side (main window) opens the content you select. For individual contacts you will see a text message box, chat history and calling options.
Call Quality
On fast internet connections Skype call quality is excellent for both voice and video calls. The hybrid peer-to-peer client server system means the sound quality is better than most VoIP services. That being said, if you do have a slower internet connection, voice calls may be interrupted or delayed. Video calls will be intermittent and pixelated. Text chat will only be affected by very poor connections. The call quality button will give you detailed information on the expected call quality for each of your contacts (as the quality depends on both parties internet connection).
If you’re looking for a reliable and easy to use VoIP client, you’ll find it hard to beat Skype. Microsoft’s purchase of Skype in 2011 has further stabilized the platform and accelerated development as Microsoft used Skype to replace its aging messaging service Windows Live Messenger. Click on the green download button to give it a try.
Microsoft no longer allows hosting of their installers. So we are redirecting to their download page.

Click here for Download 

Source :

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

How to Form a Plan

Whether you are facing a problem, trying to sort out your life, or simply want to structure your day, you are going to need a plan. Making a plan can seem daunting but with some diligence, the right tools, and a little creativity, you will be able to lay out a plan and start achieving your goals.

Method 1 of 3: Making a Plan for the Day

  1. Form a Plan Step 01.jpg
    Sit down with a piece of paper. This can be in a journal, spiral notebook, or a blank document on your computer--whatever works best for you. List out what you need to get accomplished that day, including any appointments or meetings you may have. What are your goals for the day? Do you want to fit exercise or relaxation time in? What assignments do you absolutely have to finish?
  2. Form a Plan Step 02.jpg
    Create a timetable for yourself. At what time should you be done with your first assignment, project or activity today? List each activity, starting with the earliest one, and working your way through the hours of the day. Make sure that you work around any appointments or meetings you have.[1] Of course, everyone’s days are different, so each person’s plan will be different. A basic plan could look something like this:
    • 9:00 to 10:00am: Get to the office, check email, send out responses
    • 10:00 to 11:30am: Meeting with George and Sue
    • 11:30 to 12:30pm: Project #1
    • 12:30 to 1:15pm: Lunch (eat healthy!)
    • 1:15 to 2:30pm: Review project #1, meet with Sam and discuss Project #1
    • 2:30 to 4:00pm: Project #2
    • 4:00 to 5:00pm: Start Project #3, set things up for tomorrow
    • 5:00 to 6:30pm: Leave the office, head to the gym
    • 6:30 to 7:00pm: Pick up groceries head home
    • 7:00 to 8:30pm: Make dinner, relax
    • 8:30pm: Go to the movies with Cody
  3. Form a Plan Step 03.jpg
    Refocus yourself every hour or so. It is important to take a moment after each allotted amount of time to review how productive you were during that time. Did you do everything you needed to get done? Then, give yourself a minute to reset--close your eyes and relax. This way you will be able to effectively transition into the next activity you have to do.[2]
  4. Form a Plan Step 04.jpg
    Review your day. When you have finished the majority of your day, take a moment to review how successful you were at sticking to your plan. Were you able to finish everything that you wanted to? Where did you slip up? What worked and what didn’t? What distracted you and how can you keep it from distracting you in the future?

Method 2 of 3: Creating a Life Plan

Part One: Assessing the Roles You Play

  1. Form a Plan Step 05.jpg
    Determine what roles you play in the present. Every day we perform different roles (from student to son, from artist to biker). What you want to do is think about the roles that you are currently playing in your daily life.
    • These roles could include (among many, many others): Traveler, student, daughter, writer, drawer, employee, glass-blower, hiker, grandchild, thinker, etc.
  2. Form a Plan Step 06.jpg
    Consider the roles you want to play in your future. Many of these future roles might overlap with the roles you have right now. These roles are the nouns you would want to use to describe yourself at the end of your life. Consider the roles you are playing right now. Are any of them unnecessarily stressing you out. If so, that role might not be one that needs to continue through your life. Prioritize these roles from most important to least important. This exercise will help you to determine what you really value in life and what is most important to you. Keep in mind, however, that this list is completely changeable--just as you are constantly changing.[3]
    • Your list might look something like: mother, daughter, wife, traveler, glass-blower, mentor, volunteer, hiker, etc.
  3. Form a Plan Step 07.jpg
    Determine the reason behind the roles you want to play. A role is a great way to define yourself, but the reason behind why you want to play the role is what gives it meaning. Maybe you want to be a volunteer because you see the trouble in the world and want to do your part to fix it. Or maybe you want to be a father because you want to give your children the perfect childhood.[4]
    • One way to help you define the purpose of your role is to imagine your own funeral (yes this is rather morbid, but it really works). Who would be in attendance? What would you want them to say about you? How would you want to be remembered?

Part Two: Creating Goals and Creating Your Plan

  1. Form a Plan Step 08.jpg
    Create broad goals you want to achieve during your life. How do you want to progress? What do you want to achieve in your life? Think of this as your bucket list--the things you want to do before die. These goals should be the ones you really want to achieve--not the ones you think you should have. Sometimes it helps to create categories for your goals so that you can more easily visualize them. Some categories you could use include (but are certainly not limited to)[5]:
    • Career/vocation; Travel; Social (family/friends); Health; Finances; Knowledge/Intellect; Spirituality
    • Some example goals (in order of the categories listed above) include: Publish a book; travel to every continent; get married and raise a family; lose 20 pounds; make enough money to afford to send my children to college; get my Masters degree in Creative Writing; learn more about Buddhism.
  2. Form a Plan Step 09.jpg
    Create some specific goals with specific dates to achieve them by. Now that you have some vague goals that you want to achieve in your life, set out some defined goals. This means giving yourself a date to complete these goals by. Here are some examples that are a bit more defined than the ones listed in the previous step.
    • Send book manuscript to 30 publishers by June 2014.
    • Travel to South America in 2015 and Asia in 2016.
    • Weigh 120 lbs by January 2015.
  3. Form a Plan Step 10.jpg
    Assess your reality and where you’re at right now. This means being honest with yourself and really taking a look at your present life. Using the goals you’ve listed out, think about where you are in relation to them right now.[6] For example:
    • Your goal is to publish a book and have the manuscript sent out to publishers by November 2014. Right now, you have half of the manuscript written, and you’re not totally sure you like the first half.
  4. Form a Plan Step 11.jpg
    Figure out how you will reach your goals. What steps are you going to have to take to be able to achieve your goal? Assess the steps you will need to go through and write these steps down. To continue with the example of publishing a book[7]:
    • From now until Nov. 2014 you will need to: A. Re-read the first half of your book. B. Finish writing your book. C. Rework aspects of the book you don’t like. D. Edit for grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc. E. Get several critical friends to read your book and give you feedback. F. Research publishers that you think would consider your book for publication. G. Send your manuscript out.
  5. Form a Plan Step 12.jpg
    Write out the steps to achieve all of your goals. You can do this is whatever format you prefer--be it handwritten, on the computer, in paint, etc. Congratulations, you have just written your life plan!
  6. Form a Plan Step 13.jpg
    Revisit your plan and adjust it. As with everything in this world, your life will change and your goals will change. What was important to you when you were 12 might not be as important to your when you are 22 or 42. It is ok to change your life plan, in fact it is healthy to do so because it shows that you are aware and in tune with the changes occurring in your life.

Method 3 of 3: Solving a Problem with a Plan

Part One: Defining the Problem

  1. Form a Plan Step 14.jpg
    Recognize the problem that you are facing. Sometimes, the most difficult part of forming a plan to solve a problem is that you’re not exactly sure what the problem is. Often, the problem we are facing is actually causing more problems for us. What you need to do is get down to the root of the matter--the true problem that you need to solve.[8]
    • Your mom isn’t letting your go to your friend’s mountain cabin in four weeks. This is definitely a problem, but what you need to do is determine the root of this problem. The fact is, you are getting a C- in your algebra class, which is why your mom doesn’t want you spending the weekend skiing. Therefore, the problem is that you are not doing well in your math class. This is the problem you need to focus on.
  2. Form a Plan Step 15.jpg
    Know what you are hoping the results of fixing your problem will be. What is your goal that you hope to reach by solving your problem? There might be more hopes attached to your main goal. Focus on attaining your goal and the other results will come with it.
    • Your goal is to raise your grade to at least a B in your math class. Along with this goal, you are hoping that by raising your grade, your mom will let you go to your friend’s cabin.
  3. Form a Plan Step 16.jpg
    Determine what you are doing that is affecting the problem. What habits have you developed that may be causing this problem? Take a moment to examine your interactions with the problem.[9]
    • Your problem is that you are getting a C- in math. Look at what you are doing that is affecting this problem: you talk to your friend in that class… a lot, and you haven’t been doing your homework every night because you recently joined a soccer team and after practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays, all you want to do is eat dinner and sleep.
  4. Form a Plan Step 17.jpg
    Consider outside barriers that might be affecting your problem. While you a lot of your problem may be caused by your actions, there also might be outside forces working against you. Consider what these might be.[10]
    • You are getting a C- in math, which needs to change. A barrier to your success, however, might be that you truly don’t understand the concepts being taught in the class--not just because you are talking in class, but because you have never really ‘gotten’ algebra. On top of that, you don’t really know where to get help.

Part Two: Finding Solutions and Making a Plan

  1. Form a Plan Step 18.jpg
    Determine some possible solutions for your problem. You can simply list these solutions on a piece of paper, or employ some brainstorming techniques like making a mind map. Whichever way you choose, you should consider solutions to both the way you personally are affecting the problem, and the barriers that you might be facing that are not of your own making.
    • Solutions for talking to your friend in the class: A. Force yourself to sit on the opposite side of the class from your friend. B. Tell your friend that you are getting a really bad grade in the class and you need to focus. C. If you have a seating assignment, ask your teacher to move you so that you can focus more.
    • Solutions for not doing your homework because of soccer: A. Do some homework at lunch or during your free period so that you don’t have as much to do at night. B. Keep yourself to a strict schedule--after practice you will eat dinner and then do homework. Reward yourself by watching an hour of TV after your homework is done.
    • Solutions for not understanding algebra. A. Enlist the help of a classmate that can explain the concepts to you (but only if you both won’t get distracted while going over the problems. B. Ask your teacher for help--approach your teacher after class and ask if you could set up a meeting with her because you have questions about the homework. C. Get a tutor or join a study group.
  2. Form a Plan Step 19.jpg
    Form your plan. Now that you have figured out what the problem is and have brainstormed some solutions, pick the solutions you think will work best and write down a plan for yourself. Writing down your plan will help you visualize it. Hang your written plan somewhere where you can see it often, like on your mirror that you use when getting ready for the day. You don’t need to use all of the solutions that you listed, but you should keep some of the other solution ideas as backups.[11]
    • Your plan for raising your grade in math should look something like this:
    • Plan to raise grade in four weeks:
      • Talk to Peggy about how I can’t talk in class. (If she keeps talking to me, change seats)
      • Do homework during lunch every Tuesday and Thursday so I can keep going to soccer practice but don’t have much to do when I get home
      • Go to my school’s math tutoring center for help every Monday and Wednesday; ask my teacher if there is any extra credit I can do to raise my grade
    • Goal: By week four I will have raised by grade to at least a B
  3. Form a Plan Step 20.jpg
    Evaluate the success of your plan after a week. Did you do everything you hoped you would do during that first week of trying your plan? If not, where did you slip up? By recognizing what you need to work on, you will be able to more effectively stick to your plan the next week.
  4. Form a Plan Step 01.jpg
    Keep yourself motivated. The only way you will be successful is if you really stay motivated. If you work better when you are motivated, create a reward for yourself (though solving your problem may be reward enough). If you deviate from the plan one day, don’t let yourself do it again. Don’t lighten up on your plan half way through it just because you feel like you are close to reaching your goal--follow through with your plan.
    • If you find that something you are doing really just isn’t working, modify your plan. Swap out one of the solutions you used in your plan with a different solution you came up with during your brainstorming session.

    Source :

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

How to Change the Music in Computer Games

  1. 1
    Open Control Panel and choose “Folder Options”.
    • Click on the “View” tab and check “Show hidden files and folders”.
      Change the Music in Computer Games Step 1Bullet1.jpg
    • Click OK. Close Control Panel.
      Change the Music in Computer Games Step 1Bullet2.jpg
  2. Change the Music in Computer Games Step 2.jpg
    Go to the place where you saved the program at installation. (default is C:\Program Files). Open up the folder of your game. Look for a .wav file (example: Start.wav). Open it with Sound Recorder.
  3. Change the Music in Computer Games Step 3.jpg
    Play it first to make sure that it is the right one. Then, click File > Save As... and save as, for example, start2.wav. Then delete the whole sound and record something.
  4. Change the Music in Computer Games Step 4.jpg
    Rename the old sound to "startOld.wav" then rename the new one to "start.wav" or whatever the original was called. Do not move the files.
  5. Change the Music in Computer Games Step 5.jpg
    Run the game. You should hear your new sound whenever you were hearing the old one. 
Source :

Monday, May 26, 2014

VirtualBox Update

VirtualBox is a general-purpose full virtualizer for x86 hardware. The software has been targeted for server, desktop and embedded usage. VirtualBox is now the only professional-quality virtualization solution, which is also Open Source Software.
VirtualBox Features:
VirtualBox has an extremely modular design coupled with well-defined internal programming interfaces and a client/server design. The advantage of this is that it makes it easy to control from several interfaces simultaneously. For example, you can start a virtual machine in a typical virtual machine GUI and then control that machine from the command line, or even remotely.
VirtualBox also comes with a full SDK: even though it is Open Source Software, you don’t have to hack the source to write a new interface for VirtualBox.
Virtual machine descriptions in XML. The configuration settings of virtual machines are stored completely in XML and are independent of the local machines. Virtual machine definitions can therefore be ported easily to other computers.
The following changes have been made in this update.
VMM: fixed an occasional Guru Meditation (Mac OS X hosts only)
VMM: fixed a rare condition that would fail to invalidate guest TLB entries or would invalidate them when not required (Windows hosts only)
VMM: fixed a VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED Guru Meditation seen with certain guests, e.g. OpenServer 5.0.7
VMM: more fixes for MSR emulation on certain hardware
GUI: fixed mouse positioning with mouse integration disabled and multiple guest screens (Windows hosts only)
GUI: fixed crash in VM manager
GUI: fixed crash under rare conditions on entering/exiting fullscreen/seamless mode
Shared Clipboard: don’t stop working after taking a snapshot
AHCI: fixed a crash under rare circumstances
API: fixed a hang during VM shutdown under rare conditions
NAT: fixed generation of malformed ICMP error datagrams (4.3.10 regression)
NAT: fixed potential crash in DNS proxy
NAT Network: don’t drop port forwarding rules after some time
NAT: fixed ARP cache corruption and network loss in Windows guest caused by iSCSI service activity
USB: improved check if a storage device is currently mounted to the host when the device is about to be attached to the VM (Mac OS X hosts only)
3D support: several fixes, including better support for Ubuntu 14.04
VRDP: fixed a potential crash on client disconnect
VBoxSVC: fixed a race when a new client is started a few seconds after the last client terminated (Windows hosts only)
VBoxSVC: fixed VirtualBox.xml registry corruption after VM renaming
VBoxSVC: fixed a potential crash caused by incorrect USB device filter (Mac OS X hosts only)
Windows hosts: partly support 32-bit COM on 64-bit systems
Windows host installer: implemented merge module (msm) support
Linux hosts: fixed dependency of boot script on older Debian systems
Linux guests: fix symbolic link to shared folder helper
Linux Additions: don’t crash VBoxService during guest execute for users without a password
Linux Additions: fixed a bug in guest execution where the guest process terminated with VERR_INTERRUPTED to the host
You can download VirtualBox from today.

Source :

Facebook To Share Music On Mobile App

A new feature will be released on Facebook’s mobile app that is similar to Shazam, which will allow your music and Television shows to be ‘listened’ to.  Users will be able to share what they are listening to quickly, allowing the information to be published on their profile or share it with friends.
The ‘second screen’ trend, where people share what television shows they are watching on social networking sites, is on the increase and Facebook hopes to jump on the bandwagon.
Facebook said, “If you share music, your friends can see a 30-second preview of the song. For TV shows, the story in News Feed will highlight the specific season and episode you’re watching.”
facebook privacy issues with music listening feature
As always, there are privacy concerns.  For instance, user’s microphones will be accessed in order to detect any music or shows close to your smartphone.  An animated icon will appear at the top of your app when you begin to write a status update.  When the app ‘hears’ audio that matches one in its database, users can share the information.  Although you can apparently turn the feature off, Facebook says that the app does not have the ability to store information or read background noise and conversations.
Every year there are five billion status updates regarding different television and music involvements.  Facebook simply wants to take advantage of this aspect.
But won’t automating this process have glitches?  Nicole Simon stated from TechCrunch that: “While the idea is nice and technology really interesting, I have no interest in Facebook ‘observing’ my audio and surrounding. Yes, it starts currently as opt-in, and only on occasion, but there is no trust from my side for even that.”
Although this feature was not created to increase Facebook’s advertising, the information relating to what people are watching and listening to could push adverts onto unsuspecting users.   After all, isn’t this what Facebook already does?  Using public information on profiles in order to push advertisements on individuals is not a new idea.  Now television and music will be added to the list.
[Image via npr]

Sunday, May 25, 2014

How to Clean up a Computer & Fix Problems for Free (wikihow)

After you have had your computer for a while,you may notice that it is not running as fast and as well as it once was.Maybe you have a specific problem,or perhaps you are just experiencing a general slowing-down of your machine.This article will give you tips on how to clean up your computer and solve your computer problems for free.
  1. Clean up a Computer & Fix Problems for Free Step 1.jpg
    Update your software. Any time your computer prompts you to update your software, you should do it. This is especially true of any virus protection, disk cleanup, or security updates. You should also update your web browser, as new editions will often come with security upgrades. Updating your software can help you prevent computer problems before they start.
  2. Clean up a Computer & Fix Problems for Free Step 2.jpg
    Clean your registry. In Windows, the registry is a large database of program information, settings, and more. Over time, it can become filled with useless information that slows the functioning of your computer. Fortunately, there are a number of free programs that can help you clean your registry, which should improve your computer’s performance.
    • A list of free registry cleaner programs, with reviews, can be found here. Make sure that the program you download fits your needs.
    • Do not try to manually clean your registry, as you could end up deleting something that it critical to your computer’s functioning.
    • For more information and a step-by-step guide to cleaning your registry, see [Fix your Computer Registry for Free]
  3. Run a free online virus scanner. There are a number of virus protection programs that can be purchased for a fee that help protect your computer. There are also many free online virus scanner programs that can detect viruses on your computer.

    Extend Your Computer's Life Step 4.jpg
  4. Call for a free diagnostic. Fortunately, a number of companies offer free diagnostics for computer problems. These consultations are usually done over the phone. If you cannot figure out the source of your problems, it may help a great deal to call one of these hotlines and see if they can figure it out for you.

    Clean up a Computer & Fix Problems for Free Step 4.jpg
    • Note that this does not necessarily mean that it will be free to actually have your problem solved, just that you can get a free diagnosis of your problems.
    • Do a Google search for “free computer diagnostics”. This should turn up a number of websites with numbers that you can call, as well as any stores in your area that might offer free diagnostics.
  5. Talk to friends, acquaintances, or co-workers about your computer problems. Talking with people you know can be the best way to get computer advice without having to pay. Maybe you have a friend who is good with computers or an IT employee at your office who would be willing to help you out. It never hurts to ask, so go ahead and ask, but be considerate if it is beyond their abilities to help.

    Clean up a Computer & Fix Problems for Free Step 5.jpg
  6. Clean up a Computer & Fix Problems for Free Step 6.jpg
    Browse Internet forums for advice with problems. If you have a specific problem with your computer, you should try doing a Google search for it. There are numerous Internet forums where people come together to discuss computer problems, and you may just be able to find your solution.
    • Some places to start that might be helpful:
    • If you do not feel comfortable trying to implement one of the solutions mentioned online, it is best not to. It is better to pay for help with your computer than to permanently damage your computer in an attempt to fix it.
  7. Consult a reliable source before trying any self-fixes. The worst thing you can do is to make your problems worse by trying to implement a fix that you are not comfortable with. This is especially true of removing files from your computer, since the language of the computer is often difficult to understand, and you can end up deleting critical files. So, always make sure to consult an expert before applying any drastic changes. This can be a friend, IT staff at work, online forum, or a free consultation service.

    Clean up a Computer & Fix Problems for Free Step 7.jpg

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Avast! Free Antivirus 9.0.2013

Avast! Free Antivirus is an efficient and comprehensive antivirus program. It is one of the most popular antivirus programs available, thanks to the reliable and trustworthy brand that Avast have created. The key features that continue to make Avast! Free Antivirus so popular are the easy UI, optimized scanning options and continuously updated database of virus definitions.
Simple, improved UI
The 2014 version includes a much simpler and quicker to use UI. Key features can be easily reached in the sidebar and the homepage is now customizable so you can access the tools you use most often directly. The overall appearance is clean and uncluttered, with buttons intuitively labelled and positioned.

Comprehensive Protection
Avast are constantly updating their database of virus definitions, meaning your computer will be protected against the latest spyware, viruses and potentially hazardous websites. Avast’s large and active community quickly alerts the development team of new security threats which are swiftly countered and added to Avast’s significant database. The browser add-on further improves computer security with features like cookie and social tracking blocking.
Avast! Free Antivirus comes with 5 standard scanning options based on depth and speed. Rapid scan will suffice in most cases - targeting removable media and the files you select, identifying security threats in usually less than a minute. A startup scan will launch automatically on boot up and is a useful, regular security check. The optimized scan engine in the 2014 version means scanning of text content is 10 times faster than previous versions. Scanning of EXE files is around 2 times faster. Improved memory usage means Avast! Free Antivirus should cause less strain on your system so you can continue with other tasks faster.
Avast! Free Antivirus is definitely one of the best free total security managers available. It is relatively lightweight and efficient, while still providing comprehensive security protection. The browser add on can slow browsing speed and the scanning might not be as detailed as some premium antivirus options. But the simple, effective UI and strong security capabilities make Avast! Free Antivirus a very good choice for those looking for free computer security.

Click here for Download

Source : 

Friday, May 23, 2014

How to Bring Facebook and Twitter in Your Browser Toolbar (wikihow)

This is an article to see the Facebook and Twitter notifications in your Chrome browser toolbar, and also do account activities from the toolbar. You could see all the notifications as numbers and can do activities like posting, tweeting, following others, etc., from the toolbar.
  1. Bring Facebook and Twitter in Your Browser Toolbar Step 1.jpg
    Open in your Chrome browser.
  2. Bring Facebook and Twitter in Your Browser Toolbar Step 2.jpg
    Type "Chrome Extensions" in the search box
  3. Bring Facebook and Twitter in Your Browser Toolbar Step 3.jpg
    Click the first link;
  4. Bring Facebook and Twitter in Your Browser Toolbar Step 4.jpg
    Type "facebook for chrome" in Chrome web store section
  5. Bring Facebook and Twitter in Your Browser Toolbar Step 5.jpg
    Find the extension and click the button "add to chrome" button
  6. Bring Facebook and Twitter in Your Browser Toolbar Step 6.jpg
    Click the "add" button in the new window.
  7. Bring Facebook and Twitter in Your Browser Toolbar Step 7.jpg
    See the Facebook icon or extension in the top right corner in address bar.
  8. Bring Facebook and Twitter in Your Browser Toolbar Step 8.jpg
    Click the facebook icon or extension and an authorization window will come. Click "ok" or "Skip."
  9. Bring Facebook and Twitter in Your Browser Toolbar Step 9.jpg
    Look for the Facebook notification number and all Facebook by clicking the icon
    • You could also post from the section in the picture.

  10. Bring Facebook and Twitter in Your Browser Toolbar Step 10.jpg
    Bring the Twitter in the toolbar. Type "Twitter for chrome" in Chrome Web Store
  11. Bring Facebook and Twitter in Your Browser Toolbar Step 11.jpg
    Click "Add to chrome" once the extension appears.
  12. Bring Facebook and Twitter in Your Browser Toolbar Step 12.jpg
    Click "Add" in new window
  13. Bring Facebook and Twitter in Your Browser Toolbar Step 13.jpg
    See your twitter is added to the toolbar with facebook
  14. Bring Facebook and Twitter in Your Browser Toolbar Step 14.jpg
    Click the Twitter icon and an AUTHORIZATION page will appear. Click "Authorize App"
  15. Bring Facebook and Twitter in Your Browser Toolbar Step 15.jpg
    Click the "TWITTER" Toolbar, and your Twitter account will appear. You can now see and do all twitter activity here!